BLOG/ Prep Your Home for the Fun Summer Months!

Prep Your Home for the Fun Summer Months!

It’s finally heating up and everyone is ready to enjoy the summer as things are getting back to normal. We want to help you make this summer be the best one yet!

Check out these tips to spruce up your living space just in time to enjoy the season! 

Prepare for Entertaining

Stock up on Supplies

I don’t know about you, but I have the feeling people want to go all out this summer to make up for lost time! Get ready to play host by stocking up on party essentials like paper plates, plastic cups and cutlery.

Keep your house stocked with beverages and snacks for spontaneous gatherings. Make sure your grill is clean and your propane tank is full! 

Upgrade Your Backyard

Surely over the last year, you have been spending more time at home. What is the one outdoor item you wished you had to keep you entertained? A fire pit? A propane grill? A hot tub? Outdoor furniture? This is your summer to make your dreams come true! Add that special something to your outdoor living space, you won’t regret it. 

Impress Your Guests

Impress your guests this summer by harvesting herbs from your own kitchen garden! You’d be surprised how easy it is to grow your own cilantro and parsley. It takes up so little space and there really are few things better than fresh produce. Include your guests in dinner prep by inviting them to harvest with you!

Make Your Home Comfortable

Bring the Outside, In

Let’s be honest. We all enjoy the summer, but sometimes it is just too darn hot to be outside. How can you still enjoy those long awaited rays of sun from the comfort of your own home? EightDoors makes several gorgeous doors that allow more light to flow through your home.  

Bringing nature inside is a timeless trend that is scientifically proven to uplift your mood, reduce stress and bring a sense of serenity. Eightdoor’s prefinished french doors are a gorgeous and classic way to bring more light into interior rooms. 

For more privacy, check out Eightdoor’s frosted barn door. Aside from being super trendy, barn doors are a well documented way to increase the value of your home.

Summer Baskets

Swap out your winter gear with baskets full of summer essentials. Putting sunscreen, bugspray and water bottles by your front door will help you remember to take care of yourself and make it easy to do so! Pick up some bright baskets to keep your gear organized and stylish. 

Swap Out Your Wardrobe

It’s time to go through your winter clothes and tuck them away for the year! It saves so much time in the morning to know that everything in your closet is appropriate for the season. If you have any woolens, be sure to stick them in a sealed bag in the freezer for a couple of days to kill any moths before storing them for the season.

The Nitty Gritty 

Make sure your HVAC system is ready for the weather.

It’s not glamorous, but you WILL feel like a rockstar when you are comfortable inside during the dog days of summer. Book an HVAC check up early so you don’t find yourself without a functional unit when you need it the most!

Get an Irrigation Audit

There’s A LOT that can happen between sunny seasons. Make sure your irrigation system is up to snuff so you can enjoy your beautiful yard. Do it yourself, or hire a professional, to check for any leaks in your irrigation system to prevent unnecessary waste and an expensive water bill to boot!

Wash Windows and Screens

The view outside is gorgeous, make sure it stays that way by washing your windows and screens! This is one of those tasks that you only have to do once in a blue moon, take care of it while the weather is fine!

Pressure Wash Decks and Outdoor Equipment 

Is there anything more satisfying than pressure washing? Probably not. Make your outdoor surfaces look brand new with a quick pressure wash. Goodbye algae and dirt! You won’t be missed.

Re-stain Wood

Summer is the perfect time to stain or reseal your deck and fences. Make sure you pressure wash them clean first! You may have to do multiple coats, which should be easy as they dry quickly in the summer heat.

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