BLOG/ Louvered Doors: How to Fit Them into your Home Design

louvered doors

Louvered doors are made of rails and stiles, creating a slatted look where you would typically see glass or a solid panel. They allow light and air to flow freely when closed. Louvered doors are typically used as a clever way to conceal closet storage space while maintaining a small footprint in a bedroom or hallway. 

EightDoors’ Bifold Flat Louver Shaker is too beautiful to be limited only to closet use! Louvered doors are the chameleon of interior design. They can be introduced into any room, of practically any style, and make that space even more special.

This bifold louver door has the potential to create an airy feel in a variety of spaces. Whereas other louvers might not be ideal for this due to their high maintenance slots, the Bifold Flat Louver Shaker has flat slots with virtually no space for dust to gather. This door is an excellent example of a traditional bifold that is made to stay beautiful and clean with minimal effort.

Innovation and creativity are essentials in planning your home. Breaking out of the mold of what a bifold is “supposed” to be used for can create a unique and inspiring home design.

Ventilation slots create a breezy feel in a home, but also literally create a path for air to flow from room to room. This makes it an ideal barrier between a wide variety of spaces.

We have outlined a couple of uses for louvered doors to help get your gears turning if you’re thinking about incorporating louvered doors into your home design. 

Sliding Barn Door

 A Flat Louver Shaker barn door? Say less! There’s no better ways to elegantly divide space in your home. Allowing for seamless ventilation from master bedroom to bathroom, the flat lover shaker is the perfect addition to your bedroom. This is an elegant and unique way to instantly invite appeal and function into your living space. This unique take on the barnhouse look will surely become a focal point in your home. 


Bifold Louvers are an innovative way to create privacy and block out the majority of outside light while still lending an open feel to any room.

Floor to ceiling windows or sliding doors can be transformed with the installation a louvered bifold door

This traditional plantation style will look very modern and clean with our bifold louvers straight, clean lines. The smooth surface of this ventilated “closet” door won’t collect dust. Considering that light illuminates dust, the Bifold Flat Louver Shaker could reduce the amount of time you spend dusting your blinds!

Bedroom or Office Door

Perfect for smaller homes or studio apartments, EightDoors’ bifold louver can make a small room feel more spacious. This door installation would be perfect for creating an airy, beach house feel or even a sleek modern look, providing ventilation and light while still maintaining your privacy.

Small rooms can feel stuffy, this ventilated door will keep air from stagnating in your bedroom or office. With a little paint, these doors can be as whimsical or serious as you desire. Adding a ventilated door to your living space or study will create an extra unique look and feel.

Pantry Door

A louvered door would make the perfect pantry door! Pantry moths despise light, this door provides just enough light to discourage them from moving in, while still providing you the option to conceal your pantry when guests are over.

A louver door will also feel more spacious than traditional bifold louvers because of their flat foot print.

Dining Room & Kitchen

What could potentially be a series of dark, closed rooms can be completely transformed with our bifold louver door.

Louver doors strategically placed between the dining room and kitchen can give you a choice of whether or not you want to expose your kitchen while entertaining, or conceal the behind the scenes mess.

Because these doors are totally flat, they will be easy to maintain as a part of your usual kitchen cleaning routine. The last thing you need in your kitchen is more to clean! The smooth surface is easy to wipe down, because we all know kitchen projects can get wild.

If your doors are closed, there will still be ample ventilation for the delicious smells of your kitchen to waft into the dining room. This unique look will be something your guests remember!


In addition to its ability to be used all over your home, this brilliant new design is the most practical and stylish option for your closet.

The ventilation provided by the slats in the door prevents your clothes from smelling musty or stagnant, especially if you keep your dirty laundry basket in your closet as well.

This ventilation is especially important if you live in a humid environment, to facilitate air flow from your home circulation system entering into your closed closet door.

Want to learn more? Check out our selection of louvered panel doors.

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