BLOG/ How to Do a Winter Renovation?

winter renovation

You are more likely to spend time inside during the colder winter months, which puts home renovation on the forefront of your mind. Why not make your house nicer during the months you are most likely to be inside to enjoy it (and when your kids are most likely to be in school and out of the house).

Most people undertake a home renovation during the summer, when the weather is predictable and it’s more pleasant to DIY projects outside or in the garage. It’s easier to open up a house when it’s warm out, projects dry/cure faster and curb appeal is on the mind. However, there are several benefits to doing a winter renovation. Here are the reasons we think winter is the perfect time to refresh your home.

Finding a Contractor

Winter is a slow time in the construction world, especially around the holidays. During peak seasons, it can take weeks (or even months) to get someone booked. Why compete for the best builders in the summer when you can easily book them when they are more available? It’s more likely you will have the contractors full attention in the winter when they won’t have other projects to attend to. 

Better Deals

When business slows down for the season, you may see price decreases. Contractors want to keep their workers busy and stores want to refresh their stock for the coming year. Holiday discounts on appliances and building materials can help you afford some big ticket items. Some deals to look out for include:

  • Cabinets
  • Hardware
  • Large appliances
  • Countertop appliances
  • Decor like pillows and rugs


Because there are less projects and developments in the winter, it will be MUCH faster to get necessary permits issued. Without bureaucratic hang ups, it makes it more likely that your project will be done on time.


If you live in an area with inclimate weather, make sure you have a plan in place to work around snow and ice. You wouldn’t want something like that to slow down your progress!


It can be difficult to live in a home that is getting renovated. If you like to travel during the holidays, you won’t mind that your kitchen is a total disaster. Take advantage of time off of work/school and schedule a renovation during a time when you like to travel. If you live in a cold climate, the contractors can help keep an eye out for frozen pipes and other cold weather disasters while you are away. 

Doing a winter renovation means you have one less thing to do during the busiest seasons of the year! Besides, who doesn’t want a new kitchen for Christmas?


The winter is the perfect time for indoor DIY projects. It gets dark earlier, the weather is more severe outside, what else are you going to do? A small DIY like retiling your bathroom, replacing your doors or painting are a perfect way to fight off the winter blues.  You’ve already got the heat on, which will help your fresh coat of paint dry faster!

Without the distractions that come with warmer weather, you can focus on making your house really cozy during a winter renovation. 

Thinking about upgrading your home this winter?

Replacing your doors is a great way to increase the insulation of your house while also improving the appearance of your living space. Check out Eightdoors’ line of doors for home reno inspiration!

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